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Winter 2022 Rural Routes Winter 2022News from Rural RoutesWinter is in the rear-view mirror, Spring is around the corner. Time for an update form Rural Routes. The Rural Routes team looks a bit different now. We have as always Alana Johnson supporting region South with workshops and mentorships, study groups and talking circles, as well as presenting frequently online and at events such as ATESL conference, Symposium, etc. Region Central is supported by Lia Dela Cruz. Lia is also teaching the new Online Anytime ESL course through Foundations for Learning. See more below. Lia is an expert on the IELTS test, so we look forward to offering more support to teachers and tutors who are preparing learners for this test. Lia is also presenting online for Rural Routes. From about Highway 16 and north, Dorte Weber looks after the CALPs with workshops, mentorships and support with materials selection. We are happy to have Phil Switzer on our team now. Phil looks after the Foundations for Learning Program and he is also available to help CALPs who are interested in using the numeracy modules. In this issue, Phil has contributed an information piece on teaching and learning math. I hope you will find it useful and even inspiring. Also, in this issue of the newsletter, we are taking a look at some new resources from NorQuest College that may be of interest to our CALP partners. Foundations for Learning ProgramThe program is designed as a partnership between NorQuest College and Community Adult Learning Programs in Alberta to provide learning opportunities for people who are not able to attend a site or attend online at a regularly scheduled time. These 12-week self-paced courses provide the flexibility for learners to work on their course at times that work best for them. The courses have an instructor attached who can meet online with learners who require additional support. Learners can also access 30 hours or free tutorial support through their local CALP. For every learner in the program who registers with your CALP, you can invoice the College up to $900 to cover costs related to administrative support and tutor support for the learner. For a list of courses and information, see Foundations for Learning If you have any questions regarding this program please email Phil.switzer@norquest.ca Foundational Numeracy Tutor Training and Support is Available. Contact Phil Switzer at phil.switzer@norquest.ca Helping Students Learn Math – Three Keys: Goals; Current Level and MindsetPhil Switzer Math comes up again and again as a challenging subject to learn. To help a tutor solve the puzzle of how to teach math, we need to consider three key factors about any learner: learner goals, learner’s current skills, and learner belief about themselves as a math learner. Let’s look at each factor and some possible ways to help. 1) What is the learner’s practical reason for improving math skills? Perhaps the learner’s goal is passing the GED or gaining better skills for employment. The goal is critical because it is going to be the backbone driving the learner’s efforts. Once you start working with the learner, monitoring and adjusting the goal (breaking down into smaller goals will be critical for continual success. Often learners come to us with a big goal that needs to be broken down into steps. When goals are broken down into steps, progress becomes evident, and progress leads to continued drive. Determine the learner’s goal, break it down, make progress and adjust as needed to ensure continued progress. 2) What is the learner’s current level, and where are the gaps in their knowledge? A general math placement test will give a good sense of where a learner’s math level is; you’ll have a place to begin. Once you have been working with a student, through calculations and problem solving, you will begin to uncover gaps in either or both procedural math skills and a lack of experience and skills in solving word problems. Both are learned in the same way. Practice. Specifically, for word problems, practice problems that the learner “knows” the answer to and the problem-solving process for. Our skills in math come from our brain’s ability to recognize patterns. It’s the same as a language – we need to be constantly immersed in those patterns, seeing examples, mimicking and eventually fluidly understanding. Find a series of similar word problems, for example, three that use the same problem-solving process, and have the learner try the first problem using a think-aloud process. In this way you can see where you need to jump in and show how you solve the problem. Once the learner has done that problem with you, have them do the exact same problem again. It often helps for the learner to take a break, so the brain can organize the pattern it just saw, and for the problem to seem “fresh”. This is the same learning process used by athletes and military/police – repeat a pattern over and over to allow the brain to fluidly solve it step-by-step. Once the learner can reproduce the solution process you showed them, have them try the second problem, and then the third, which might have different numbers but involves the same process. Then, have the learner solve these three same problems the next day. It is critical at this point that there is a break for the brain. The brain will organize the patterns it has seen and will begin to integrate the thinking and processes required. A critical focus in the above process is to frame this type of help as a game – we are playing these problems over and over – we are going to beat this math game. 3) What is the learner’s belief about Math and their ability to learn math? Making sure the learner understands some key facts about math and the human mind is the most critical part of the process. Our brains are an advanced pattern recognition system. Any of us could have learned any one of over 7000 different human languages. Math is neither harder, nor easier for some, it’s just a different language. Unfortunately, many in our culture have identified themselves as “not a math person”. All human minds are capable of advanced calculations and problem solving. To learn any language, our minds need to be immersed in a positive environment with lots of practice and examples – our mind needs to see the patterns. Once the patterns and procedures of math are seen, practiced, and played with, mathematical ability naturally develops. Math is meant to be played with every day – if this costs $10…how much GST is that…I worked 12 hours a day for six days, how many hours is that in total…if I worked 10% more hours, how many would that be…? Persistence, day-in and day-out, in doing a pattern-based activity tells our mind that this activity is important and we need to learn it. For adult learners it is important to frame math as a critical skill needed to achieve their goals. Math also needs to be presented as a fun game, with rules and patterns. Always show genuine excitement when solving problems and getting answers. Checking those answers on an answer key is just plain fun. By helping learners realize that like any other language, math can be learned with practice and a focus on seeing it as a fun activity, we can help the learner build a belief in themselves as a math learner. To help people learn math build confidence and belief in themselves as a math learner, start with their current skills and work from there, and focus all efforts into achieving the learner’s goals. With these three factors playing out each time you help someone learn math, it is going to work! Fake-Believe: An Introduction to MisinformationNorQuest College has a new Open Educational Resource course called Fake-Believe: An Introduction to Misinformation. It is free for you and your learners. If you wish to upload it into your own moodle, there are instructions for how to do that. Click on the link below to see the poster and links to the resource. NorQuest’s Settlement Studies Program Offers a FREE bookThe Settlement Studies team has published Canadian Settlement in Action: History and Future, an Open Education Resource (OER) textbook. In the spring of 2021, a robust group of scholars, led by Wendy Chambers and Oscar Vergara, was assembled to research and write a first-of-its-kind book for learners and academics of Settlement Studies. The result is 300+ pages of informative content that will appeal to a wide audience of readers. Canadian Settlement in Action is comprised of five chapters encompassing current perspectives addressing where Canadian Settlement has been and where it may be headed. These chapters cover the following topics:
This is all complemented with thought-provoking discussions and questions as well as engaging activities. Immerse yourself in an informative and educational read on Canada’s settlement systems and structures. |
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