Welcome to our information hub! This library has a range of resources for tutors, instructors, coordinators and managers of English language programs. It also includes settlement resources for newcomers. All resources are available online as pdf copies or as links to external websites.
Keyword | Format | Type | CLB Level |
Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies

AAISA (Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies) is umbrella organization of immigrant-serving agencies in Alberta addressing the needs of immigrants, the agencies that serve them, and the larger community that welcomes them.
Alberta Routes ESL Resource Guide
This guide was designed as an annotated list of resources for tutors, teachers, and volunteers to use when working with English-language learners. The resources have beencurated by the following criteria: relevance and/or applicability to the Alberta context, easy to use, has an identified language level, year of publication, and Creative Commons licensed.
Alberta Routes ESL Tutor Handbook
New resource for ESL tutors in the CALP system: Complete handbook and guide with needs assessment, lesson planning, learners plans, games and activities.
Alberta Routes Multi-Level Handbook
As an English language instructor teaching a multi-level class, would you like some help planning differentiated lessons that engage all of your learners? If so, this book was designed for you! You will find a brief introduction with an overview of the theory of teaching multi-level classes and ready-to-use lesson plans and materials.
Alberta Routes Tip Sheets

Alberta Routes tip sheets include topics such as Working with Wikis, Learning Assessment, ESL Literacy, Needs Assessment, and How to Become an ESL Teacher.
ATESL Resource Database

This resource package provides a basic introduction to teaching English as a second language for those instructors in community ESL programs who may not have training and background in TESL.
Building Community Capacity Project Resources
AWES was granted funding through the Government of Alberta to help build community capacity related to integrating workplace essential skills with language learning and workplace culture. The purpose of this project is to provide training and resources to community organizations that support newcomers and their workplaces.
Canadian Citizenship Practice Test
Canadian citizenship practice test. Richmond: Richmond Public Library, 2008. Consists of over 100 multiple-choice questions based on A Look at Canada, 2007 edition.
Canadian Language Benchmarks

The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks is the centre of expertise in support of the national standards in English and French for describing, measuring and recognizing second language proficiency of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants for living and working in Canada.
Canadian Language Benchmarks/ Essential Skills

This web site:
- Helps internationally-educated adult newcomers and immigrants understand language requirements for particular jobs to inform their learning plans and goals
Citizenship Resources

A classroom resource for teaching citizenship topics to adult English language learners.

The CLB-OSA is an online self-assessment tool for people who are interested in assessing their English as a Second Language (ESL). These tests are based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and will assess your language proficiency in reading and listening.
Common Ground
The Common Ground: English in the Workplace resource is designed to support English in the Workplace programming.
Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom
What is the point of language study if it is not to speak the language in question?
Critical Incidents for Intercultural Communication

The Critical Incidents videos and resources help users develop effective communication in culturally diverse workplaces contexts for internationally educated professionals and Canadian-born professionals.
Diversity at Work: Web-based Simulation Activities

The Diversity at Work Simulation Activities provide resources to support newcomers to practice making adaptive decisions in workplace communication.
EAL Practitioner Handbook

This resource will introduce practitioners to the concepts and knowledge areas that EAL coordinators and facilitators need to master to be successful in their roles.
Easy Pace Learning
For students: Basic English lessons, grammar, vocabulary, and exercises at an easy pace
Easy Reading Job Profiles
Includes 24 easy reading job profiles as well as a online job dictionary
ESL & e-learning – A guide for Rural Alberta
This document is divided into the following sections:
Access and Institutional support;
Orientation to using Technology with ESL Literacy Learners;
ESL Literacy Pedagogical Considerations;
ESL Needs Assessment Tool
The ESL Needs Assessment Tool was developed through project funding from Advanced Education and Technology and Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry. The purpose of this resource is to provide a strategy for assessing ESL needs in rural communities.
ESL Resource Package
Welcome to the exciting challenging, and rewarding job of teaching English as a second language (ESL). We have prepared this resource package as a guide and support for you in your teaching. If you are new to teaching English as a second language and ESL literacy, this resource will help you plan and deliver effective training. If you already have experience, this resource will enhance your teaching.
ESL/ EAL/ ELL Community of Practice: PD Series
The goal of this page is to form a “virtual community of practice” (VCoP). This VCoP platform provides ESL/ EAL/ ELL practitioners a shared learning model where everyone can share with each other.
ESL/ EAL/ ELL Community of Practice: Professional Development Series:
- Our community of practice- Introduction
- Multi-level classes
- Understanding Canadian Language Benchmarks
Hands on! A collection of ESL literacy activities

This collection of activities was developed for instructors working with adult ESL learners who have had little or no opportunity to develop reading and writing skills.
Interactive English 2

Interactive English 2 is a resource for teaching English language learners and for adults who want to improve their literacy skills.
Intercultural Competence for TESL Instructors
Title: Intercultural Communicative Competence for TESL Instructors. Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language (ATESL) and the Center for Intercultural Education conducted a research project focused on understanding current practices to integrate intercultural communicative competence (ICC) into ESL instruction, curriculum and professional development in Alberta.
LINC Parenting Program: Guidelines
LINC Parenting Program: Manual and Curriculum Guidelines was designed for use with newcomers who have infants and young children. It has proven effective in enhancing the literacy of both parents and children. Developed by Toronto District School Board (2000).
Moving Professional Learning to Classroom Practice
This is an instructors guide developed for instructors teaching English to adult newcomers in Ontario. This tool is also useful for Alberta's ESL practitioners.
Multi Level ESL Lesson Plans Level 2 and 4
This resource was developed as a response to requests from small ESL providers in rural Alberta. It provides 10 lesson plans referenced to CLB 2 and 4 that can be adapted for multi-level classes.
Multi Level ESL Lesson Plans Level 6
This resource was developed as a response to requests from small ESL providers in rural Alberta. It provides 10 lesson plans referenced to CLB 6 that can be adapted for multi-level classes.
Natural Reader
Listen to PDF files, webpages, e-books, e-textbooks, documents, and printed books.
Online Workplace Integration Language Resources
Excellent videos designed to assist learners in awareness of and practice in pragmatic topics (facilitator’s guide available).
Passages to Canada

An initiative of The Historica-Dominion Institute, the Passages to Canada Speakers Bureau offers volunteers from a diverse range of ethno-cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds the opportunity to share stories of their heritage with schools and community groups.
Passages to Canada
Passages to Canada: This site features listening videos of people recounting their stories of coming to Canada.
Pragmatics – Apologies Lesson
Learners will have the opportunity to notice patterns of speech that native speakers commonly use when they apologize.
Reading Practice with Word Families
Process Research Practice.
These materials provide online reading lessons for adult English as a Second Language (ESL) learners to practise integrated reading skills, including comprehension and decoding within the context of life skills themes.
Sounds of English
Sounds of English website has a directory of sounds that helps students with pronunciation.
TESL Canada

TESL Canada's mission is to promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional language in partnership with its constituent provincial and territorial associations, and like-minded national and international organizations.
Tutela is a national online repository and community for Canadian English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FSL) professionals. Tutela is a Federal-Provincial joint initiative funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Various Links
Various links to ESL Resources